OK, so spring had sprung, and it was time for me to get going. I had busied myself taking parts off 'Ricambi' and doing the occasional job on'Roxy', but really it was time to tackle the big job. 'Roxy' just had to go, as I was never going to do the job while I still had another 75 to drive around in; so it was off to eBay for her.
Next step was to get a decent engine crane. These things are not easy to get in Ireland, and damn expensive to boot. Here is where the power of the internet, and the size of the UK market is really your friend. In the end I got a really nice 2-ton crane plus an engine stand from these guys E-buy-Paint-Tools-and-Equipment for cheaper including shipping than I could get a basic crane in Ireland. I must admit I was impressed!

All I needed then was to adapt the single hook to the twin lifting points on the engine by means of a couple of Euros worth of tow-rope. Sweet!

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